Finding thyself

The one thing that has been constantly coming across my way is the fact that everyone is rushing all the time but getting only one of the two things – either tired or nowhere. Being a Sherlock fan-girl, I decided to enter my mind palace and use the Science of Deduction to understand this unsatisfied thirst to run. My crazy-twisted-out-of-the-box thinking has helped me conclude that one of the reasons for failures is poor sense of judgment and a rush to jump to conclusions (ironic much?). Let me put it this way, any action requires to go through 3 phases before we declare it a success or a failure. These 3 phases are:

  • -          Debate before decision
  • -          Decision
  • -          Implementation

The first phase is very simple (but also simple enough to overlook) but the most important one as it involves weighing all the pros and cons of making that decision. In this phase we should question our capability, the probable results of our actions, efforts required, dedication required and its consequences in our lives. Overlooking this simple step is what makes people question “Why am I doing it?”

Second phase is pretty easy – come to a decision. And once you’ve made up your mind, don’t look back and debate with yourself anymore (because there is no loop back there – “oh the IT in me has awaken again”).

Third phase is all about keeping your word to yourself and go on till you achieve what you need.

Success is never found overnight. It is built brick-by-brick with toil and sincerity. Keep looking for what you need and keep working on it. Only once you’ve found yourself, you will be able to find what more you need to complete you.


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