Triumph over Trial

simply positive thoughts

“What have I done to deserve this?”

“Why is God punishing me?”

“I was born with bad luck.”

“Why do I face so many hurdles while others get everything easily.”

“Why is it always me?”

I’m sure we’ve said similar statements at least once in our life. Some find it easy to divert themselves while others over think and get stuck. All of us know that gravity keeps us on the ground. But to propel a rocket and make it leave the Earth’s gravitational force, we require a force equal to the gravity but in the opposite direction. We achieve this force by moving at a very high velocity of 11km per second. This velocity is also called Escape velocity. In the same way, we need a similar force to free ourselves from the mental strain that keeps us locked up inside our head. We need our Escape velocity which can come from two sources – internal or external. Internal force drives you in whichever direction you want. Internal force includes the strong will power and a cool head in the heat of the moment. But sometimes the damage is so intense that we need an external force. This external force comes from people and things around us. Friends and family are the backbone of our universe. They could be flawed; however, they are the ones we have chosen as our go-to people. Along with recognizing your needs, stay vigilant to the needs of people around you. Try a three-way approach for every trouble that you face – a) access how bad is the damage, b) analyze whether you require help or not, c) be explicit in seeking help.

A simple coffee, a conversation, counting one to ten, humming, a forced smile, a random funny thought that passes by your mind or any reason to develop the happy hormone in yourself can act like your Escape velocity. A broken shoe can be mended or replaced, but a broken person can only be helped before they break. Depression is real. Those who do not agree are sadly ignorant. It is alright to accept the weakness. It is important to accept help. But it is more important to lend a hand and never turn our backs to someone who needs us. In the end, those who triumph over their trials thrive. I agree it is a slow process. Did you know that it takes approximately 3 billion years for a coal to become a diamond? Now, as we don’t have that kind of time at our leisure, all we can do is give ourselves a little while to accept our fate and breathe in a new life.  


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