The actual perspective

I have been given eyes to see the world, brain to process what I see, and my body to respond accordingly. If I’m one such individual, I am bound to have my opinion as to how I see whatever I see. You see a glass that’s half full while I could see it half empty. Who is right? Practically, both are correct. You could have your own perspective as to the glass being half-full, that does not make my perspective wrong. It is just that maybe I see things differently as you do. That does not make you right and me wrong or vice-versa. Do you think you have the right to call anyone “wrong” just because they are different from you? Do you think the one who reads a book becomes a nerd while the other person who goes out with his/her friends to watch the book-turned-movies is cool? One does not become inferior if he/she sins differently as you. “There is your truth and there is my truth. As for the universal truth, it does not exist – Amish Tripathi”


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