Life at Ease

2012, the time where everyone is busy running their own race. Task accomplishment is the only aim that can be heard everywhere. You get stressed so much that you plan to take a break for a day. But that off day seems so costly that you decide against your will and continue your work. What is so important that it makes your life similar to a machine? A machine may wear out, its parts are repairable, but not your parts. Can you replace an over stressed brain?

A man is so busy in finishing his job for the day that he took a pill to avoid his constant throbbing of the head.                      
This happened for a couple of weeks, and his negligence resulted in something serious for his head that now his neurosurgeon has asked him not to exhaust himself even for an hour. I would like to pose a question here, his job was so important that his health needed to be neglected? His headache was a means of his head to tell him that its time he took a break.

Students are busy running after the good grades that they forget what it means to be a child. Parents don't feel the need to correct them, as they themselves don't think too much studying is wrong. But that child, at the age of 19, is suffering from headache, backache and several other aches.

We went to school to spend the time given by the creator of the world, 17-18 years in school. All the things we did, or we are doing, is only done to spend the lifetime fruitfully. Was this life given to us to make ourselves so much miserable that we plan to take wrong steps like suicide? In opposite to suicide, one can turn a new leaf and do things that make you happy. Ever seen your smile in the mirror? Don't you love it? Who needs someone else to love you if you can love yourself enough to be happy?


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