Breaking out of a loop

What do you understand by physical loops? A circular place or thing that connects the beginning and its end and can go on and on. But what do we mean by mental loops? Let’s see if I can explain myself with an example. I pick up a book and read it for a while, then I switch to look at my mobile, then I switch to look from one app to another. I switch to my book again and there goes the cycle. Have you ever been in such a situation? I am confused as to what kind of a behavior is this. It is really frustrating to watch myself get stuck in such loops. And bam! There goes my hour which was supposed to be fruitful. All this builds up a lot of tension and stress. Right now, I’m just going to go take a short walk to the kitchen to have a glass of water and see if it breaks this loop. Well, I sat in a different spot, had water and a very short conversation with myself. Almost like a pep talk before I resume penning my thoughts. I did some light breathing exercises to calm my anxiety. I ...