
When you think you are all alone in a crowded street. When you are screaming your lungs out, but no one can hear you. When you begin to feel that you are invisible. When you think no one cares for you. Even worse, when you think everyone is conspiring against you, how do you come out of this situation? If you let this moment get to you, you will feel the end nearing and that maybe you won’t be able to pull through. But this is what needs to be understood, that this moment you’re trapped in, is just a moment, a mere phase, which too shall pass. A speed breaker is there to slow you down, not stop you. But a red traffic signal asks you to stop before you can proceed. Tough situations may slow you down, tougher situations might stop to. But there’s always a green traffic signal that will allow you to proceed. In such situations, just cut the engine, sit back, relax, think over all the things that made you reach to this place. Why have you stopped at this point in space and why you sh...